Mike Wilkinson

MikeWilkinsonBSc, PhD, PGCLTHE, R Anim Sci.

An agriculture graduate from Leeds and Newcastle universities, Michael Wilkinson spent over 10 years at the Grassland Research Institute, Hurley, before moving to MAFF’s Chief Scientists’ Group, then to private research and consultancy work, then to full-time university work and research management. He has held university positions at Reading, London, De Montfort, Leeds and Cambridge and now works part-time as an Honorary Professor at Nottingham University and consultant to the livestock industry.

Author of over 350 scientific and technical publications, Professor Wilkinson’s research has focussed on improving efficiency of use of grassland and forage crops for milk and meat production.

Current research themes
• Improving the nutritional value of silage for livestock
• Reducing storage losses in silage
• Diet formulation and efficiency of feed use in livestock production systems.

Relevant disciplines
• Animal nutrition, particularly livestock feeds, feed efficiency and human edible feed use
• Crop agronomy, particularly grassland and forage crop production and utilisation
• Environmental science.